Thursday, January 29, 2009

Alert! Postal Service to Cut Delivery By One Day!

Alert! Postal Service to Cut Delivery By One Day!

Everyone one who has ever received a extremely late, mishandled, or incorrect mail delivered, has yet another reason to hate the Postal system. In 2008, the US Postal Service, or USPS, as they preferred to be for marketing purposes, suffered a 9 Billion decrease in mailed items; which ultimately has the future of the convenient 6 day delivery policies in jeopardy.

With the looming rising costs, and a $2.8 Billion deficit, Postmaster General John E. Potter, said during his testimony for a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs,"It is possible that the cost of six-day delivery may simply prove to be unaffordable...I reluctantly request that Congress remove the annual appropriation bill rider, first added in 1983, that requires the Postal Service to deliver mail six days each week."

2008, which marked the largest drop of mail volume, in the history of the postal service, seems to only foreshadow even more losses for 2009. Potter added, "if current trends continue, we could experience a net loss of $6 billion or more this fiscal year,". It is obvious that the internet generation and e-mail are having the same impact on the Postal Service, that pirating and Mp3s are having on the Music Industry.

Total mail volume was 202 billion items last year, more than 9 billion less than the year before, the largest single volume drop in history. Usually, annual rate increases provide a safety net, so that even with a decline in revenue, profits out do every previous years. However, Potter predicts that 2009 will be the first time since 1946, that increasing products and services, will fail.

Studies in the past indicate that although one day may be removed from the mailing schedule, Saturday may not necessarily be cut. Many insiders have looked into the possibility of skipping another traditional mail date. Personally I feel that they might as well change the traditional work schedule if they do that. Imagine what will happen to booming businesses who can not overnight a contract on a Monday to the other side of the Country.

But Potter, being the good mouth piece that he is, tries to defend the notion of halting mail in the middle of the average American's work week; "The ability to suspend delivery on the lightest delivery days, for example, could save dollars in both our delivery and our processing and distribution networks. I do not make this request lightly, but I am forced to consider every option given the severity of our challenge,".

The agency has insisted that this will not mean the change will be imminent; noting that they are still trying to cut costs and find other answers. But honestly, time is running out.

In a world where corporations find a way to enter in Federal Affairs, (i.e. the Federal Reserve Bank), I can see where there would interest in making the USPS private. With a generation more focused on instant messaging, texting, not to mention social networking sites, then writing letters, circulation will continue to dwindle. It seems almost scarcly near, when sending mail will be expensive, and private intrests control circulation.

Alert! Postal Service to Cut Delivery By One Day!

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